The rather boastful sounding title of this post isn't meant to be so(!), but rather about the lovely group of people that comprise the tarot workshops I run on a monthly basis. I've been teaching the tarot for many years, but only started running the monthly workshops two years ago. Since that time, it's become a lovely group of people who all teach me plenty as well as me teaching them!
At present of course, we're having to run the workshops online but it's okay (not as good as meeting up in person, but it's better than not meeting up at all).
The group is for anybody of any skill level, as everybody really appreciates re-visiting learning they've had before from time to time. Those members who've been coming for a good while are getting very good at reading the tarot now and I'm delighted to see them blossom!
The picture below is of the Major Arcana from the original Mythic Tarot deck that I have.
