I've mentioned my grandmother in the About Me section of this website as well as in this blog, but I thought I'd go into a bit more detail about why I think she was so great. She read playing cards, palms, tea leaves and the crystal ball. She was also a medium and very psychic. Many years ago (we're going back to the early part of 1977) she read my palm and told me that I was going to meet a man with lots of thick, black hair who came from farming stock. She also said that he would have a funny yellow car but that she also saw him coming out of big, grand buildings. I wrote it all down in my journal (which I used to keep at the time). Was she right? Well yes, very accurate in fact because I met my partner in June of the same year and he did indeed have a thick mop of black hair and both his grandfather and his great grandfather had been shepherds (his family came from a remote village in Wiltshire). When I finally went out on a date with him he picked me up in a yellow bubble car! Ultimately he became a professional opera singer and worked at both the Paris Opera House, Covent Garden and for twenty years at English National Opera (hence the big, grand buildings). How amazing is all that?
What it tells me is that her palm reading was just incredible (although I doubt she saw the yellow car in my hand). Obviously palm reading's a bit different from using an oracle such as the tarot, but nonetheless, it's always amazed me that she could be so accurate. The blurry picture is of my partner back in the 1970s a couple of years after I met him.